DIRECTOR: Roseanne Whitten

Community Service is exactly what the name implies — projects and activities each club undertakes to improve community life. Some of our many projects are:

  1. Chair & run the organising group consisting of the Shire, Lions, Bendigo Bank and the Historical Society for the Annual Australia Day Festival.

  2. Started Meals on Wheels in the region during the 1970’s.

  3. Initiated the annual Broadford Seniors Christmas luncheon.

  4. Kilmore Art Expo and Kilmore Busking Championships

A very small but dedicated band of Southern Mitchell Rotary members enjoyed the sunshine for a couple of hours on a recent Sunday morning, donating their time to clean up a section of High Street, Broadford. The end result was very rewarding.

Analemmatic Sundial Build at the Rotary Peace Arboretum.

This Rotary project to create an Arboretum on 10 acres with an Analemmatic Sundial has been ticking away for 3 years.

After many hours over previous weeks, measuring and pegging out the precise location of where the 13 stones (each one up to 1.7 tons) are to be placed, a small group actually put them in place.

Pictured are our “People of Action”, Rotarian Noel Baker, Rotarian Angelina Cirelli-Salomone’s husband Tony, Rotarian Sonny Gomez, Rotarian Peter Appleton plus Michael Appleton (with his tractor).

The Rotary Club of Southern Mitchell again presents it’s annual Christmas Luncheon for the senior members of our community.